Friday, January 10, 2014

Five On Friday - 1.10.14

Good Morning!  It's cold!  And ICY!!

It's also Friday and time to linkup with Darci & friends for Five on Friday!!

Here's my Five: 


I think I just found my new favorite blog: The Uncluttered Lifestyle.  I found Iesha's blog through a Pinterest search for "Monthly Budget Worksheets".  I clicked through to her blog and found SO much more than that.  I haven't gotten through all her archived posts (yet) but I already love everything I see.  I love the idea of being "uncluttered".  Thank you Iesha; can we be best friends now?


Speaking of organization and uncluttering... I made a list of all the organizing/purging/relocating I want to do with all the crap in our house.  While I was making the (six page long) list, I realized that we actually do probably have enough storage in our little house, but we're not really using it effectively.  So hopefully, little by little, we can fix that.  Maybe we'll feel like we have more space -- and know what we have so we don't go out and buy a pack of $18 batteries when we have some in a cabinet or drawer somewhere. 


Are all three-year-olds bipolar?  I hope so.  Emily was a wild mess last night.  I think it had a LITTLE to do with the fact that the daycare inspection lady came right at naptime and so the kids ended up having really short (or nonexistent) naps.  She went in timeout THREE times just from when I arrived to pick the girls up to when we left (probaly 20 min).  Then this morning she was an absolute angel.  She was all "ok mommy!" and letting me get her dressed and eating her breakfast.  I mean, she still had to get threatened with no Jake & the Neverland Pirates when she wouldn't get her boots on, but she straightened up and there were really no power struggles this morning.  My guess is it's her age and we don't have to put her on any meds, just yet.


Today Jerry's getting a pain blocker shot in his back (this will be the fourth? time he's had one...hoping it workssss).  So he's not going to be able to do ANYTHING all weekend because he basically has to lay flat for 48 hours or so.  This should be fun...


I've already decided what I want for Christmas this year (my birthday --September -- would be even better!).  I have been avoiding getting a dSLR camera for a long time (and not just because I can't afford one).  They always seemed so clunky and awkward; but the more my girls grow, the more I realize my iPhone camera isn't enough.  I want to take more pictures of the girls.  And I want to take really good pictures of them.  My sister is a photographer, so I'm going to enlist her help in finding me a really good entry-level camera.  Then maybe I won't have to wait for a visit with her to get some good shots of the girls -- although she'll still be my go-to for family and kid portraits, whether she wants to or not :)



  1. I have the Nikon D5200 and love it! I always thought they were too large or I wouldn't take it with me enough to really use it, but I was wrong. I carry it everywhere (almost). Stopping by from the link-up. Happy Friday!

    Forever Young

    1. Hi Christa! Thanks for stopping by!! :) Also, thank you for the recommendation -- the D5200 is one of the ones I'm looking at. Glad I have such a long time to figure out the perfect one ;) Have a wonderful weekend!!

  2. Tell me more about the camera. I need to purchase one. I love your budget tool - I use Dave Ramsey's! And YES all 3 year olds are bi polar. I work with them 4 days a week and I can attest that yes they are!!!!! Happy weekending. SO glad I came by!

    1. Hi Brownie :) If I ever do get a camera I'll be sure to post which one I get, and my reviews. I'm in the early process of shopping around right now. The budget worksheet was actually created by Iesha at; it's not mine, I just found it through Pinterest, but I LOVE it. So simple. I've heard good things about Dave Ramsey's too. Thanks for reassuring me about 3 year olds ;) Thanks for stopping by!! Have a great weekend

  3. Get a DSLR! It's so worth it! I really like the setup of that Monthly budget spreadsheet! I actually printed my own planner this weekend so I might take that spreadsheet and print it out! hehe Looks like we're both trying to get organized! Good luck!

    1. :) Yeah that budget sheet is the best one I've found so far -- looks the most like one I would create if I had the talent! I like how it breaks it all down, but isn't TOO in-detail. Good Luck with your organizing too!! :)
