Sunday, December 1, 2013

Christmas Photo Preview & and "the Stinks"

Over the holiday, my incredibly talented sister took some great photos of my girls for our Christmas card -- don't want to spoil the surprise for those who receive the card, so I'm sharing this lovely out-take. 
That brown slumped figure behind Caroline is me -- trying to hold her up on that log.  It didn't work so well:

 We got home from our trip last night and after downing some PF Changs that we picked up on the way, we settled down to watch a little Bubble Guppies (you know, because everyone in the house has to watch whatever the three-year-old wants to).

Well it was the episode where they go to ancient Egypt and solve the mystery of the Sphinx's nose.  So after the show is over she comes up to me while I'm washing bottles and is telling me about something that stinks.  And as I'm trying to get a coherent story out of her, I realize she's talking about the "Sphinx" and can't form the s-ph sound.  I try to teach her how to say it correctly, but the best she could do was "finks" and then went on with her story.  

A little later, while I was trying to brush her teeth, she starts talking about the "stinks" again.  She said she would name it Jerry and its name would be Jerry Stinks.  Guys, you just can't make this stuff up.  
I love her imagination -- and her inability to pronounce certain words ;)

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