Since Wednesday, September 3, 2014 (the day my gynecologist said I was "obese") I have been weighing myself every Wednesday morning and recording my weight. I'm not shy about how much I weigh. I used to be, but now it's like, who cares? And since I'm losing weight, it's just a number right now. Anyway, so I started at 220 lbs. Not the most I've ever weighed, but definitely the most ever while not growing another human life inside my belly.
So I didn't lose all 70 lbs I gained with Emily. I lost some, but nowhere near what I should have. I was better at reigning myself in from the Five Guys and DQ while pregnant with Caroline, and only gained about 25, but still... It wasn't healthy; and while I know it could be a lot worse, my doc throwing out the word "obese" hit me right in the gut (the flabby, stretch-marked gut). I made a decision that day to finally change it. I think because she said something to me about showing my daughters how to care about my body or something -- right in the feels, man. I never want my girls to worry about their weight, or have a single negative thought about the way they look. So I dusted off the old MyFitnessPal app on my phone, and the rest is history. Well, not really.
I've lost 28 lbs since September, which I think is AWESOME. What's even more awesome is that I didn't gain it all back at Christmas... that being said, I haven't been breaking any weight-loss records the last few weeks either. My major goal for this weight-loss/healthy life journey was to wear a bathing suit and shorts by my 30th birthday (which is a quick 8 months away now). I'm still on track, but in 2015 I really need to step it up and crack down and get on the ball and whatever other cliche is associated with really, really getting serious about my goals.
Source |
Part of fulfilling that goal, and another from my list, is posting a weekly weigh-in for tracking and accountability purposes (and also to fish for compliments on how great I'm think I'm kidding).
SOOOO. Today is the first official weigh-in of 2015. Drum roll...
193 lbs!
Ok so I told you I started at 220. I made a list of monthly goal weights so that I didn't feel overwhelmed with my end-goal (which I decided should be about 165 - for my height, the range is 143 - 163 lbs, but I think I would look emaciated at anything less than 160). Here's that chart:
End of December...... 195 lbs (acheived! 12/31 weight was 192!!)
End of March 2015...... 180 lbs
End of June 2015...... 170 lbs
End of August/September...... 160-165 lbs
In my planner (remember that ridiculously expensive one I've talked about a few times? yep that one), I am tracking my fitness two ways. First, in each Wednesday morning box, I have a sticker (included in the planner), and every Wednesday morning, I weigh myself and write on the sticker with a Sharpie so that it stands out.
A couple weeks old, but you get the idea. |
Then at the end of each month, I record that weight, along with my current BMI and waist:height ratio in one of the notes pages in the back of the planner.
I keep forgetting to bring a tape measure to work (where I look up my BMI and W:H ratio), so I'm behind on recording that stat. |
I kept tracking in MyFitnessPal all through the holidays, but I definitely cheated and didn't track ALL of the cookies and other crap I ate; I really just wanted to keep my streak going (it tells you how many days you've tracked). But as of today (after last night's dinner, which I'll get to in a second) I'm back on track. Had my regular breakfast of a Special K bar and banana, and my favorite lunch (Chipotle #duh). I did get a small pack of pretzel M&Ms, but I tracked them and still have enough calories left for a yummy spaghetti dinner. YAY.
Yesterday was Jerry's dad's birthday and we all went out to a local seafood/steak place for dinner. Emily was a complete jerk the entire time. Refusing to sit in her chair and not eating more than a few bites of the dinner SHE PICKED OUT. She asked for a cheese quesadilla and green beans. She actually ate more green beans than quesadilla.... I'm going to give you a minute to re-read that. Yep. #whoknows.
Probably about to leap out of her chair again to dance or run away from the table. #nexttimetwohighchairs |
She kept getting out of her seat to dance in the space between ours and the next table. She asked me 437829057 times if she could have dessert after I told her the first time she asked that she didn't eat all of her dinner, therefore, NO.
I thought we would be OK because I brought both tablets for the girls to play with, but neither one really wanted anything to do with them. Weird. Whatever though. We had a tasty dinner and got to spend a little time with Pop-pop & Mom-mom :)
This is the best one we got of all of us. I guess I didn't have my flash set to "auto" and the waitress took the pic for us. I felt a little bad for the table behind us... |
Gee, I wonder where she's learning attitude from?? |
And on that note, friends, I leave you. Check back each Wednesday to see my weight-loss progress.
Thank God I've never seen a Chipotle commercial. |
I'm not getting paid by Erin Condren, MyFitnessPal, Special K, M&Ms, Five Guys, or Dairy Queen to talk about them here. But man wouldn't that be nice?
I just realized it sounds like I really hate my kids. Anyone who knows me IRL (hopefully) knows better, but just for clarification: I love my kids. They are the best two things that ever happened in my life. I am so proud to be their mommy. They are beautiful, smart, funny, sweet and loving, generally. But sometimes they are assholes and I think other moms and dads can relate. :)