Monday, January 6, 2014

Weekend Highlights Vol. 1

Welcome to the first Weekend Highlights! 

Weekend Highlights is created so that we can all share and catch up with each others' weekend happenings. Come join me! Blog about your weekend, link up, and meet new friends along the way!

The Opulent Owl

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Jasam @ The Opulent Owl: Blog | Bloglovin</ a> | Twitter

Amanda @ Making Sure To Laugh: Blog | Bloglovin | Twitter
Neisha @ Neisha's View: Blog | Bloglovin | Twitter

So here are the highlights of my weekend!!

Friday was a snow day so I worked from home and kept the kids with me. 

This was from Friday morning, before Jerry went to work.

 Saturday, Jerry took Emily sledding and Caroline and I stayed nice and cozy at home.  I cleared out some of Emily's old books and put the baby ones in Caroline's room.  I had to take a picture of these two before I sent them out to the recycling bin.  They were two of Emily's favorites...

You can see by the bite marks and complete wear & tear that these were pretty well-loved :)  

I just want to bite those chubby little legs.  Om nom nom.

Caroline tried peas for the first time... She's not really a fan.  This picture was taken before she realized that what she was eating was NOT her baby oatmeal (that she loves).  

I tried it again last night mixing a little bit of the oatmeal with the peas but she was still not really crazy about it.  Such a change from Emily because when she was starting out on baby foods she ate everything we gave her with the exception of the jarred ham -- but who can really blame her for gagging at that?  But Caroline has apparently decided she's going to be choosy.  She's such a laid-back baby I was just surprised that she put up a fight over the peas.  Next up, green beans... I'm not optimistic that it will be much different from the peas.  

I guess Emily was jealous that I was taking pictures of Caroline eating because she wanted me to take hers while she was playing with enjoying some Jello: 

Yesterday, I went to a mommy's lunch at daycare.  Two of the moms are pregnant (one with her second set of twins!) so we got together for a little grown-up time -- except all we talked about was our kids..

I was so pleased with my wrapping job on their presents, I had to take a picture.  

Paper and embellishments from Target's Spritz line (in store).  Once again, not being paid to promote Target, but I would love to be... ;)

After the mommy's lunch, I came home to watch the Packers-49ers game with Jerry.  Green Bay played so shittily it was ridiculous.  I'm disappointed that they're out of the playoffs, but there's always next year -- and next year I won't have to listen to Fantasy talk because Jerry promised he's not playing in any leagues next year.  Until September rolls around and he changes his mind :)

But at least my weekend ended on a high note, in the form of Downton Abbey Season 4 Premiere.  What I didn't realize was that it was a 2-hour premiere and I would be drooping heavily this morning.  But it was sooo worth it. 

I'm trying so hard not to read any spoilers.  And I still miss Sybil.  Poor Branson.

Well anyway, I can't wait to read all about your weekend fun!  Linkup with us!! :)


  1. How old is Caroline (if you don't mind me asking)? The reason why I ask is because I am thinking of introducing food to her soon. She is 4 months now. I have been breastfeeding her this whole time.

    You're right, that wrapping job is good! I like using brown paper to wrap presents. It has that simple look to it and you can add colors to make it look so nice :)

    1. Hey there! Caroline is 6 months old. We started baby food a little later with her than with Emily. I think we did single-grain baby cereals with Emily around 4 months, but didn't start with Caroline until 5 1/2 months. We just (like this past weekend) started with vegetables. We're not really in a hurry because she's such a chunk -- 20+ lbs at her 6 mo check up! -- that we're not all that worried about upping her calorie intake. Some sources even recommend exclusing breast or bottle feeding for the entire first year. But my ped said that you may miss some critical learning windows if you wait that long (learning how to eat?? I don't know exactly what she meant) Pretty sure my kids were born knowing how to down some food thought :) Congrats for breastfeeding that long! I had big dreams of a year, then 6 months, then around six weeks I gave up. I was not meant to breastfeed I guess -- I had issues with Emily too. She was only breastfed for 10 days. So bravo; that is wonderful :)

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Man I really need to start proofreading my replies... *exclusive, not exclusing -- and *though, not thought. ;)

  2. You have a beautiful family! and the wrapping you did on the presents were nice. I was thinking of not using cliche' wrapping paper at Christmas but my job was really crazy (I work in the mall...go figure). Maybe I can try something like that for birthdays that are coming up.

    1. Thanks Neisha! I really like the look of brown paper packages (and the Sound of Music song is in my head...). Just so simple & timeless. Thanks for stopping by! Take care :)
