Linking up today with these ladies for a list of Festive Favorites. Because I'm really enjoying Christmas-themed linkups apparently.
1. Favorite Christmas song?
It's not actually a "Christmas" song, but I love "Baby It's Cold Outside". The Zooey Deschanel Elf version, and Key & Peele's:
2. Christmas song you can't stand?
Anything with the Chipmunks...
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3. Favorite holiday movie?
Three (or five if you want to be technical) way tie between White Christmas, The Santa Clause Series, and, of course, Elf:
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4. Real or artificial tree?
5. White or colored lights?
Right now we have white lights -- they are LED so they are almost blue, and I'm not sure I love them. We grew up with a softer, more yellow light, and my grandmother had colored lights that I actually really loved. Maybe we'll try colored lights next year -- whatever's cheapest at the after Christmas sales, really.
6. All matching ornaments or more random personal ornaments?
Random, hands down. My Christmas tree is one of the few places in my life that I don't mind a little disorder if it means stuff my kids made is part of it.
7. Favorite ornament?
I don't really have a favorite on our tree. On my mom's tree it's this movable nutcracker that I was obsessed with growing up. And my grandmother used to have this beautiful gold glass baby rattle on her tree. I think my mom has it now but I don't know if she puts it on the tree or not.
8. Angel or star tree-topper?
I grew up with a crocheted angel that my mom made. We have a rustic tree-branch star. Love them equally.
9. Does Santa wrap presents or leave them unwrapped?
They were always wrapped growing up. I'm wrapping Santa's gift to Emily this year, but that may not always be the case.
10. Favorite childhood [Christmas] memory?
I can't really pick one, but I remember one year (or maybe every year...) I made my older sister get up and play Monopoly with me until 7am -- when we were allowed to wake our parents up. The anticipation was so exciting!
11. Coffee, hot chocolate or eggnog?
Hot chocolate. I'm not a coffee drinker and eggnog is gross.
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12. Christmas morning at home or do you travel?
I mentioned this in my Christmas Traditions link up post, but this year will be the first year that we stay home. It will be different, for sure, but I'm actually really excited. We will probably travel around to Jerry's family later in the day, and my family will most likely visit in the following days. LOTS to be excited about!!
13. Traditional holiday meal or something unconventional.
I guess traditional? For Christmas Eve, we would always have finger foods, you know, make your own dinner roll sandwiches, deviled eggs, etc. Then Christmas morning was a full-on eggs, bacon, sausage, cinnamon rolls deal. Then during the day, we'd snack while visiting various family -- always some combination of turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, mac & cheese, crab dip (yessss), and other assorted party food. THIS YEAR, it will be a bit different. Not sure what we're doing for Christmas Eve yet, probably just dinner together or with some of Jerry's family; then we'll have our full-on breakfast just the four of us, and then dinner at Jerry's aunts; but I don't know what she's making -- kinda hoping it's traditional though; I'm not a big fish on Christmas fan..
14. Personalized photo Christmas cards, store bought cards, e-cards, or "ain't nobody got time for that"?
A little of all, I think. I got a few cards for close family, but most everyone else is getting a "Merry Christmas!" on Facebook; and one of these:
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So what are your Festive Favorites?
Do you love deviled eggs and Tim Allen as much as I do?
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