Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The Thankful Project - Day 19

Today I'm linking up with Kenzie at Chasing Happy for Day 19 of the Thankful Project.
Today's prompt is: a book.


One word.  Outlander.  But I'm not just thankful for the book (and the entire series).  I'm grateful to Diana Gabaldon for writing such amazing stories and for creating such real characters that when I read the books, I'm part of the story and friends (or enemies) with the characters.

I'm grateful to my sister for introducing me to the books -- and for not making (too much) fun of me when I turned into a complete fangirl over them.


I'm grateful that Diana (we're on a first-name basis you know) is currently finishing up the eighth book, which will be out next summer.  And also next summer, the world will be given an amazing gift, in the form of the Starz. Outlander. TV. Series.

{Spot-on Casting, folks.}

  I'm also thankful that I stumbled upon this blog.  Where the contributors are obsessed (in the best way possible) with Outlander, and post things like this:

{Pimp Guide - here}

This book series is so awesome because it defies the laws of genre-pegging.  It's fantasy/sci-fi, romance (but not Danielle Steele-ish -- sorry Danielle Steele), adventure & thriller all wrapped up together with Scottish accents and the odd Irish pirate thrown in.

It probably seems shallow and silly to be thankful for a book like this and not something more serious like the book the reverend gave us during our pre-wedding counseling -- but the Outlander books are so well-written and just so...!!! that you get sucked in and realize you're talking to your friends about the characters like they are real people.

I read all of the books last year and started re-reading them when I found out she was writing another (because that's what you do, right?); then I had another baby and I don't have much time to read anymore.  I will MAKE time when the new book comes out.  And FIND a way to watch the show, even if I have to buy all the movie channels just to watch it (but if we do that we have to buy NFL Sunday Ticket too...).

Go check out Diana's website and read some excerpts from the books; then go check out That's Normal and I dare you not to be intrigued.  Just a warning, though, you might have to get on a waiting list at the library...

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