Monday, November 18, 2013

The Thankful Project - Day 17

I'm linking up with Kenzie at Chasing Happy for Day 17 of the Thankful Project.
Today's prompt is: a room.

I'm thankful for our "great room".  I'm not really sure what else to call it but basically half of the upstairs is kitchen, dining "area" and living room, as well as the entryway...which is pretty much non-existant.  You walk in and can literally sit down on the arm of the loveseat if you wanted to.  We have a 1950s ranch with a basement (I'm not sure of the technical term for the style of our house).  

View from the living room area into the kitchen/dining area (shortly after we moved in - there is an island in the middle of the kitchen area now).  On the other side of the table is the stairway to get to the finished basement.
View from the top of the stairs toward the kitchen

We usually use the downstairs door and walk up the stairs to the "great room" to do just about everything.  We don't use the front door a lot because there's usually an exersaucer or some other item of kid paraphernalia in the way.

(That's the front door...and there's the love seat.  Behind Emily -- almost 2 in this picture...awww -- is the coffee table and sofa/loveseat in an L shape)

Jerry's acoustic guitars & bass.  They are usually hanging downstairs but this was right after our basement flooded and we had to replace everything below hip-height.  

This room was my bedroom during the middle and end of both pregnancies due to sciatica.  

This room is where we celebrate...

Emily and cousin Abby watching Grammie blow out her birthday candles - 2013

Where both girls learned to roll over; where Emily learned and where Caroline will (most likely) learn to walk...

(Emily; either late 2010 or early 2011)

It's where we read stories...
(so what if it's a coloring book?)

And play :)

I'm so thankful for this room.  It is where some of my favorite memories have been made, and where we will continue to take embarrassing photos of our kids for years to come. 

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