Friday, November 22, 2013

Five On Friday - 11.22.13

Linking up with Darci & friends for Five on Friday!

Forget PSL -- PSW!!!
There are such things as Pumpkin Spice waffles.  Thank you Eggo.  They smell so good!!!  Emily is a fan as well.  Knowing how she is about trying new things, I waited until she had taken her first couple bites to tell her that they were "punkin waffles".  And she said "hmm. ok."  Then a few seconds later, "they're delicious!"  Win. 

{She inhaled that waffle.}

Oh yes.  I'm trying my hand at making "real" fudge for our Thanksgiving gathering this year (instead of the no-boil? stuff I have made in years past).  Using this recipe:


Healthy baby!
Took Caroline to the doctor for her follow-up to the follow-up she had on Monday -- when the doc said she had a wheeze which was probably bronciolitis.  The doc was pleased with how clear her lungs were and her ears were still good.  Only have to use the nebulizer morning and night until Sunday at which time we can stop if we haven't heard the cough for 24 hours.  

{Healthy as a chubby little 18lb horse!}

Eat All the Food...
In case you didn't know, Thanksgiving is less than a week away.  All I have to say is, mashed potatoes & gravy.

A New Christmas Tradition.
In an attempt to teach our kids from an early age that Christmas is about more than presents, I'm really excited that we are going to start the "four-gift rule" this year.  Last year, Emily got a bunch of stuff from us (not a whole lot, we Santa did get her a new bed), but now that Caroline's here, and our budget is ever dwindling, I can see Christmas getting expensive, and quick.  I like the idea of starting this now so that it's a norm to them.  We will still do one gift from Santa too, so we will technically be getting 5 gifts for each, but that's still managable.  I'm going to do a post on gift ideas for both girls soon (lucky you!). 

Happy Friday, friends!

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