Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Finish the Sentence...My First Link-Up!

Today I thought I'd do something I've never done before. I'm going to try my hand at linking up with another blog. I've been reading blogs for about a year now and I always see these "link parties" and think they look like fun but I've never actually done one. Today I'm linking up with Holly at Where We Can Live Like Jack & Sally for her monthly Finish the Sentence with Jake link party. So here goes!


My happy place... is my car after I've dropped the kids off at daycare.

Whatever happened to... Dunkaroos? Seriously. Apparently you can buy them on eBay - but somehow that doesn't seem like a great idea to me.

So what if I... dip my carrots in peanut butter. At least I'm choking down carrots.

E! needs a reality show about... the Amish Mafia.  What's that you say? There already is one? WOW.

My go-to fast food meal is... Chick Fil A Char-grilled Club. Unless, of course, it's Sunday. Then probably Taco Bell chicken quesdadilla.

You might not know that I... have a blog. I'm new and don't really know what I'm doing!

The hottest quarterback in the NFL is... Aaron Rodgers. Totally agree with Holly - love me some scruff! We are proud Packers fans & owners!

If I could... potty train my three-year-old, life would be fantastic.

My personality is awesome because... I'm hilarious, awesome, sarcastic, and really really modest.

Twerking is... something I had to Google last week. I would probably hurt myself if I did it.

I think it's super gross when... guys have long fingernails.

Someone needs to tell Miley Cyrus... that it's OK to wear clothes and keep your tongue in your mouth.  Really, it's OK.

That was fun.  I'm looking forward to doing it again next month!! And maybe finding some other link parties to participate in!

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  1. Thanks for letting us be your first linkup! And I totally agree with the quiet car after daycare drop off! :)

  2. Guys with long fingernails creep me out. Especially if they look really well taken care of. Or if the pinky nails are super long!
