Friday, April 24, 2015

Friday Favorites - 4.24.15

It's been a hot MINUTE since I did a Friday Favorites post...

My mom got on me yesterday about my lack of posting pictures of the girls.  And if mama ain't happy...

SO!  Just a few favorites today.

My two favorite girls:

Caroline is talking (hence the weird face), and Emily dressed herself (she's actually wearing two shirts and a dress...)

My new favorite TV show: 

Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners

I blew through LOST again so quickly that I'm in the final season and I don't want it to end so I refuse to watch it.  Does that make any sense?  Anyway, I found this Britain Channel 4 gem on YouTube and haven't looked back.  I love it because it's like a Brit version of Hoarders, but with the added element of a person with OCD and over-the-top cleaning habits come in and challenge themselves and the hoarder.. and sort of try to meet in the middle as far as cleaning habits go.

I also love to pick up little bits of British slang (did you know they call their dumpsters "skips"?  or that the cooktop in a British home is referred to as a "hob"? -- I didn't...)  I leave a Wikipedia tab open and ready for whenever I need to look up a new term.

My favorite day this week:

Administrative Professionals Day (week)

LOOK at my beautiful flowers!  -- Thank you Jerry for remembering ;)
I love my job!!

And, BONUS photo of my girls from Jerry's aunt Joni who is watching them for me today:

Emily's backwards hat and Caroline's skirt pulled up to her armpits... #dead.

Well, I'm off to go eat my Chinese leftovers -- ooh that was another favorite: spending time with my beautiful sister-in-law, Jenn, and the girls getting to play with their cousins for a while.  No pictures from that (we were too busy talking haha) but suffice to say... we didn't go to bed until 11 and I'm tired, so it was a great night :)

Happy FRIDAY everyone!!

Linking up with Momfessionals, et al for Friday Favorites.

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