Go figure...
Saturday, Jerry was recruited to help his stepdad at "the lot" (a piece of land on the river that he's owned for years and the family uses it for beach days and cookouts). Jerry was asked to cook for all the guys who were helping his stepdad rebuild the crumbling retaining wall.
So while he was doing that, I took the girls with me to shop for fabric with their daycare teacher, Patti. We were getting material for a few projects I'm helping her with for her Disney cruise and 3-day cancer walk. The girls were both so good.
Then on the way home (I was hoping for a nap or at least some alone time to watch Breaking Bad), Jerry called and asked me to pick up some batteries for his radio and ohbytheway can you bring them down to the lot. So we took Daddy his batteries... and Emily saw that her cousin Ava was there and all hopes of either a nap or Netflix were dashed. So very dramatic! But we actually had a lot of fun.
The lot has a tiny beach, which is the main draw for Emily. This child loves the water. She even tries to "swim" in the bathtub. So when she gets the opportunity to put on her bathing suit and spend the day in the river, she's about it. Doesn't matter to her if the water is freezing or she's got a pound of sand in her crotch. She's having the time of her life.
We finally got her out of the water (by bribing her with animal cookies) and got her lips back to their normal color...
stop it. stop getting so big :*( |
As usual, Caroline was all smiles. She was so content to be in her "jump jump" and people watch. She snacked and jumped, jumped and snacked. And pooped -- like three times while we were there...
We hung out for a while Saturday then went home and dumped both girls in the bath. We were all exhausted, but happy!
Sunday, I went to Ollie's Bargain Outlet. Don't ask me why I love that store. Most of the merchandise is complete CRAP (like the expired Colgate Wisps I got for Jerry -- oops!), but they usually have good books that are really cheap. I got a couple little things (only spend about $7) but I looked down every aisle and just enjoyed my 1.5 hours of alone-time. It was excellent.
Monday, we went back to the lot to swim and cookout again; just us this time, but Jerry's sister came and brought cousins Ava & Lana to play with Emily. They had a ball, and Emily refused to get out of the water (this time I tried bribing her with ice cream, but it didn't work. Crazy kid). I had to bodily drag her out of the river... Jerry made the girls PBJs for dinner and he and I had Wawa cheesesteaks. Nutritious dinner, I know. We are all about healthy food around here...
Daddy and his girls ;) |
What a wonderful long weekend!
Now for a short week and another fun weekend ahead. On the agenda is driving down to my sister's on Saturday morning -- taking a trip to the zoo (including a picnic at the adjacent park), then my nephew's birthday party Saturday night, and hopefully going to the boardwalk & beach on Sunday before the long drive home... and probably grocery shopping.
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