Friday, November 1, 2013

The Thankful Project - Day 1

Today I'm linking up with Kenzie at Chasing Happy for Day 1 of her "Thankful Project".
Today's prompt is: a person.

I know I'm probably going to be like many others doing this challenge today, but I am pretty thankful for this guy right here:

This guy puts up with my nonsense (clumsiness, absentmindedness, nagging and complaining) daily.  He is an amazing daddy to our little girls (he plays a mean Candy Land and always has time for one more game of hide and seek).  

This guy has an extremely weird sense of humor that happens to jive so well with my own.  We laugh at the stupidest stuff; and I love it when I can make him laugh.  

This guy is a hard worker.  He will not give up on anything -- will not leave the job until it's finished, and done right.  It's half excellent work ethic, half OCD.  Either way, I'm proud of him; and I hope he knows that.  

We have been married for 5 years and sometimes I just can't believe how lucky I am to be his wife.  Of course we have our ups and downs like every couple, but we always find our way back and know that we are meant for each other.  No one else would be able to handle my crap - and no one else would take his either.  
There is no one I would rather fight with than Jerry. 

I understand this "Thankful Project" to be about helping us stop, take a moment and really count our blessings.  Finding a new appreciation for things we take for granted.  I am more than thankful for Jerry because not only do I get to share my days and years with him, but also because he made me a mommy and now we have this beautiful family together.  

I hope that I never take him for granted and always remember that getting to be a part of his life is one of the greatest blessings in mine.

Babe, I love you.  
I appreciate you.  
I'm so thankful for you.

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